Monday, November 30, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am thankful for my family and all of the people who love me! I hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving.

Monday, November 23, 2009


I love taking pictures of people in their environments. This is my dad at the farm. The beauty of this photo is that it wasn't staged, this is just an idyllic natural occurrence. Charmingly simple.

At the Park

I had to shoot an assignment for a decisive moment and this is what I came up with.

This last one is the one i actually ended up turning in.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Older Favorites

Since this is a new blog I am going to add some of my older favorites! The adorable kids in these photos are my boyfriend's nieces and nephew.

This photo in the alley is my first attempt at HDR (high dynamic range.)

First post!

I am excited to finally show some of my work! This is a photoshoot i had with my sister and I have been working on editing skills in photoshop.